China injection molding machine, continue to innovate high
Release time:2020-12-30 11:12viewed:times
Globally, the output of plastic molding equipment in Germany, Austria, China, Japan, South Korea and Canada accounts for about 80% of the global total output. The manufacturing of injection molding machines in China is mainly concentrated in Zhejiang and Guangdong, among which Ningbo is the largest production base, accounting for more than 50% of the annual output of injection molding machines in China and one third of the injection molding machines in the world. The export volume of injection molding machines in China was only 47% in 2006, but after several years' development, it has already accounted for more than 81%, which has a dominant position. In the later period, the injection molding industry still has great room for growth, and the proportion of injection molding machines in China will be further increased.
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